Tag: philippines
Church Conference and Anniversary
Conference: The Father’s Love for His Son Everyone invited to this Conference and our 7th Anniversary Service on the Father’s love for his Son in Creation, Redemption, and in the believer’s Sanctification (Facebook event). Registration 100 pesos Please email albert.v.medina@prulifeuk.com.ph or dvopilgrim@gmail.com. Venue Pasig Covenant Reformed Church (click here for location map and directions) (meeting…
Worship With Us and the Genevans!
Who are the Genevans? Genevans is the student choir of Geneva College near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They will be on a Spring 2014 Tour, which includes several places in the Philippines and in Malaysia. Geneva College was founded in 1848 by the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA). RPCNA is a denomination who believes that “God’s Word clearly…
Psalms for 5th Anniversary Service
Just preparing the order of worship for our 5th Anniversary Service gets me excited and energized. Here are the four psalms I chose for singing.
Imus 2nd Anniversary Bulletin
ALMIGHTY GOD, Visit us through your Holy Spirit, and help us to celebrate “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints†in this our 2nd Anniversary.
Liturgy for August 18, 2013
“And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:2 ESV).
Pasig’s 4th Anniversary Picture Gallery
A compilation of pictures taken by Cheer Cruz, Mimi Cadaoas and Leah Ong. Pastor Lance Filio preached on “Returning to the Faith of Our Forefathers” based on Romans 10:5-13. “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2 complete my joy by…
Liturgy for 4th Anniversary Worship Service
Please join us for worship as together we celebrate God and recount his blessings in our 4th Anniversary celebration.
Liturgy for August 26, 2012 in Imus & Pasig
For an explanation of the details of this liturgy, see “A Brief Walk-Through Our Liturgy.”
Pasig Location
To download a printer-friendly PDF file of this location map and directions, click here. Our address and telephone number: We meet at: Touch Community Baptist Church Sunset Drive cor. Pacific Ave. Brookside Hills, 1900 Cainta, Rizal Philippines Phone: 0917.508.3624 • 0917.895.4111 Email: iverhill@yahoo.com • acvmedina@yahoo.com Our Sunday Schedule: SUNDAY CLASSES/PRAYER MEETING: 1:30-2:20 PM WORSHIP…
Sunday School for Imus and Pasig
Tomorrow, Lord’s Day, July 1, 2012, we will start our Sunday School lessons for both Imus and Pasig churches.