Psalms for 5th Anniversary Service


Just preparing the order of worship for our 5th Anniversary Service gets me excited and energized. Here are the four psalms I chose for singing. Wait a few seconds for the music player to load.

Opening Song of Praise: Psalm 96:1-9
Tune: Azmon

1 O sing a new song to the LORD,
Sing all the earth to God;
In daily praises bless His Name
And tell His grace abroad.

2 Among the nations far and wide
His glory celebrate;
To all the peoples of the earth
His wondrous works relate.

3 Let all the peoples of the earth
Give glory to the LORD,
Give Him the glory due His Name
And strength to Him accord.

4 With offerings come to His courts,
In holy beauty bow,
Let all the earth with rev’rence come
And serve the LORD God now.

Song of Thanksgiving: Psalm 66:16-20
Tune: Gerard

Come, you who fear the Lord, and hear
what He has done for me;
My cry for help is turned to praise,
For He has set me free.
If in my heart I sin regard,
my pray’r He will not hear;
But truly God has heard my voice,
my prayer has reached His ear.
O let the Lord, our gracious God,
forever blessed be,
Who has not turned my pray’r from Him,
nor yet His grace from me.
O all ye peoples, bless our God,
aloud proclaim His praise;
Who safely holds our soul in life,
and steadfast makes our ways.

Song of Preparation: Psalm 138:1-2, 6-8
Tune: St. Petersburg

1 With all my heart my thanks I’ll bring,
Before the gods your praise I’ll sing;
I’ll bow down t’ward your holy place
And praise you for your love and grace;
for you above all things, O LORD,
Have magnified your name and Word.

3 Although the LORD is throned on high,
On lowly ones he bends his eye;
But those of proud and haughty heart,

He only knows them from afar.
Through trouble though my pathway leads,
you will preserve and comfort me.

4 Your outstretched hand preserves my life;
Your right hand saves from enemies strife.
The LORD fulfills most certainly
His holy purposes for me.
Your mercy, LORD, forever stands,
Preserve the work of your own hands.

Song of Consecration: Psalm 95:1-7 a
Tune: St. Denio

1 O come let us joyfully sing to the LORD;
to-the Rock of salvation we raise up our voice.
Let’s enter his presence expressing our thanks
with shouts and loud singing, praise him and rejoice.

2 The LORD is the great God, King over all gods.
The earth’s deepest places he holds in his hand;

The heights of the mountains belong to the LORD.
The oceans are his, and he formed the dry land.

3 Come now, bow down humbly and worship the LORD;
Let’s kneel down before him, our Maker, in pray’r.
For we are his people and he is our God;
He shepherds and feeds us in his loving care.