Tag: Westminster Confession

  • Regulative Principle “Unworkable”

    Regulative Principle “Unworkable”

    I believe in weekly communion and in corporate prayers of confession, especially but not exclusively those found in the old Book of Common Prayer, followed by scriptural declarations of pardon. I believe it is wise to confess the faith weekly using either the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed; and I think the nonsacramental worship…

  • Welcome to a REFORMED CHURCH Study Guide

    Welcome to a REFORMED CHURCH Study Guide

    Why is your church called “Reformed”? Why is your worship so serious and so different? No Praise & Worship—just strange-sounding old songs? Why do you recite the Apostles’ Creed, and use catechisms and Latin words—are you Catholic? If you’re really curious, you ‘re all welcome to visit and ask questions. Better yet, you can join…

  • Why Does Your Church Have Confession, Absolution, and Communion?

    Why Does Your Church Have Confession, Absolution, and Communion?

    Roman Catholic stuff? For evangelicals, these three words conjure up a nightmare of a confessional, adoration of the host, and other forms of Roman Catholic sacerdotalism. James asked me about these things…

  • Reformed: More Than the 5 Points of Jesus and the Apostles

    Reformed: More Than the 5 Points of Jesus and the Apostles

    So many people have weighed in the issue of what is Reformed Christianity, or what’s a Reformed church, or who’s Reformed. About four years ago, John MacArthur delivered a scathing attack on Reformed amillennialism entitled, “Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist is a Premillennialist.” Worse, his rant was a bad misrepresentation of amillennialism in a conference where…