Tag: infant baptism
“Abraham the Father of All Who Believe”
Scripture Readings: Genesis 17:1-14; Romans 4:11-12 (text) October 29, 2017 • Download this sermon (PDF) Today, we witnessed as a congregation the baptism of little Laura Hesed Vasquez. Churches like ours that baptize infants and little children are often misunderstood by many other churches who view this practice as “unbiblical.” So before we look…
The Christ-Child Fulfills the Law
Jesus was Joseph’s and Mary’s firstborn son, and he had to be redeemed with a sacrifice, “as it is written in the Law of the Lord, ‘Every male who first opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord.’” Exodus 13:1-2, 11-16 (text); Leviticus 12:1-8; Luke 2:21-24 © Rev. Nollie Malabuyo December 11,…
God’s Promises to You in Baptism
Ezekiel 36:24-27 (text); Deuteronomy 30:5-8; Colossians 2:10-12 Rev. Nollie Malabuyo • April 26, 2015 [wpdm_package id=’12492′] On the occasion of the baptism of Aviela Grace Rosana, covenant child of Jerome and Pumpum Rosana Dear Congregation of Christ: Today, we rejoice in the baptism of Aviela Grace, covenant child of Jerome and Pumpum Rosana.…
5 Reasons Why We Don’t “Dedicate” Our Little Children
When reading our website, one who’s not familiar with Reformed doctrines will discover that we baptize, not “dedicate,” the little of children of the members of our church. Most Baptists perform this ritual instead of baptism because they acknowledge that their children, being children of believers, have to have some relationship with God. So why…
5 Reasons Why We Prefer Not to Have Godparents for Our Children
Some people noted that our infant baptisms do not include godparents. Because ninongs and ninangs are so entrenched in Philippine culture, we do not prohibit parents from asking their relatives or friends to be godparents. But we also instruct the parents about the reasons why we prefer not to have godparents for their children.…
“Let the Little Children Come to Me”
Deuteronomy 4:9-10; Proverbs 23:6; Matthew 19:13-15 (text) August 10, 2014 • Download this sermon (PDF) As a matter of courtesy, please advise Rev. Nollie Malabuyo if you plan to use this sermon in a worship service. Thank you. Introduction Congregation of Christ: Today is the fourth sermon in our series, “A Little Church in the…
Why Believers’ Children Baptism?
The examples given in Acts suggest that household baptism was a common practice, and so there must have been thousands of household baptisms. Are we to suppose that there were no young children in any of them? There are three big misconceptions by Baptists and other evangelicals about us Reformed Presbyterians regarding infant baptism. One, we…
Watchmen for God’s People
His blood was required of him by his Father in heaven—not because he failed in his watchman’s duties, not because he did not listen to God’s commandments—but because he willingly took the blood of his people’s sins on his hands. He was bloodied and murdered on account of his people’s wickedness—blood for blood, but his…
PDF Booklets About Our Church’s Doctrines And Worship
Other articles will be added as they are completed.
Summary Points on Christian Baptism (Updated)
Baptism is not a Christian’s public profession of his own decision to believe in Christ (a truly Arminian idea), but the sign and seal of Christ’s own work of washing of a sinner to save him.