Tag: Hebrews 4
“A Song for the Sabbath”
We see a clear pattern of “morning and evening” in the Scripture, starting from the creation week in Genesis 1, “And there was evening and there was morning” on the first six days. This natural rhythm is also used in the daily morning and evening (twilight) sacrifices in the tabernacle (Num 28:4) Psalm 92…
The Lord’s Day as Our Sabbath Delight and Rest
I remember our younger days when our Lord’s Day practically started on Saturday evening. We all ironed our clothes and spit-shined our shoes. My mother prepared our meals for Sunday. There was no staying late on Saturday nights, because there were no malls, no computers, no video games, not even late-night parties.
The Lord’s Day Worship as Our Sabbath Rest
We do not enter the eternal Sabbath based on our own faulty righteous works, but based on the perfect sacrifice and righteous works of Jesus our Great High Priest, through whom we “receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb 4:14-16).
Born to Be “Like His Brothers in Every Respect”
Notwithstanding images of a “super baby†at his birth, Jesus was like any other baby born in this world by a woman. We hear cute little children in Christmas pageants singing, “The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, but little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes.†No, the baby Jesus did cry.