Tag: covenant of grace
“Abraham the Father of All Who Believe”
Scripture Readings: Genesis 17:1-14; Romans 4:11-12 (text) October 29, 2017 • Download this sermon (PDF) Today, we witnessed as a congregation the baptism of little Laura Hesed Vasquez. Churches like ours that baptize infants and little children are often misunderstood by many other churches who view this practice as “unbiblical.” So before we look…
The Drama of Two Adams
 Romans 5:12-21 (text); Genesis 2:15-17, 3:15; 1 Corinthians 15:22 May 3, 2015 (Pasig CRC) • April 26, 2015 (Trinity CRC) [wpdm_package id=’12513′] Dear Congregation of Christ: This may come as a surprise to you, but did you know that all representative types of government are based on covenant theology? A federal government such…
6 of 20 Federal Vision Errors Derived from Flattening the Covenants of Works and Grace
At the 73rd General Assembly in 2007 of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, the Committee to Study the Doctrine of Justification issued a “Report on Justification,” saying in the conclusion, The Committee believes that the following points that are held by some one or the other advocates of FV [Federal Vision] are out of accord with Scripture…
“What’s Really at Stake”
What happens when we collapse the covenant of works into the covenant of grace? We end up invariably with “Law” that is not really law and “Gospel” that is not really gospel, but a confusion of the two. © 2001 Michael Horton This was written (or delivered) sometime before the Synod of the United…
The Nine Points of the 2007 URCNA Synod
 By the 2007 Synod of the United Reformed Churches in North America Schereville, Indiana Abbreviations: HC—Heidelberg Catechism; BC—Belgic Confession; CD—Canons of Dort; RE—Canon’s of Dort’s Rejection of Errors These Nine Points were affirmed by the URCNA to counter the growing influence of the Federal Vision (FV) movement within Reformed churches. For those of you…