Tag: circumcision

  • “Abraham the Father of All Who Believe”

    “Abraham the Father of All Who Believe”

      Scripture Readings: Genesis 17:1-14; Romans 4:11-12 (text) October 29, 2017 • Download this sermon (PDF) Today, we witnessed as a congregation the baptism of little Laura Hesed Vasquez. Churches like ours that baptize infants and little children are often misunderstood by many other churches who view this practice as “unbiblical.” So before we look…

  • God’s Promises to You in Baptism

    God’s Promises to You in Baptism

      Ezekiel 36:24-27 (text); Deuteronomy 30:5-8; Colossians 2:10-12 Rev. Nollie Malabuyo • April 26, 2015 [wpdm_package id=’12492′]   On the occasion of the baptism of Aviela Grace Rosana, covenant child of Jerome and Pumpum Rosana Dear Congregation of Christ: Today, we rejoice in the baptism of Aviela Grace, covenant child of Jerome and Pumpum Rosana.…

  • Summary Points on Christian Baptism (Updated)

    Summary Points on Christian Baptism (Updated)

    Baptism is not a Christian’s public profession of his own decision to believe in Christ (a truly Arminian idea), but the sign and seal of Christ’s own work of washing of a sinner to save him.

  • “Abraham the Father of All Who Believe”

    “Abraham the Father of All Who Believe”

    Believers-only baptism meant this to thousands of new Jewish converts to Christianity: as soon as they believed in Christ, their children, members of God’s own treasured people, became unclean, detestable pagans, cut off from God’s covenant promises. And not one of them dared question the apostles; they just sheepishly accepted this horrific fact.