Tag: carols
What Child is This?
This Child is the Eternal King, the Better Prophet, and the Great High Priest “What Child is This?” is one of the more Biblical modern Christmas hymns. It came from a longer Christmas poem, “The Manger Throne,” written by William C. Dix, an English lay hymnwriter about 1865. The melody “Greensleeves” is a traditional English folk tune.…
Songs Recommended for Advent Worship
The following is a list of songs I like to sing during the Advent Season. Most of the these songs listed are approved by the URCNA, with a few deletions and additions. Hymn Words By Tune Advent of Our God, The Charles Coffin, 1736 St. Thomas, Aaron Williams, 1770 All My Heart This Night Rejoices…
“She Gave Birth to A Male Child” Whom the Dragon Wanted to Devour
God will nourish and preserve you in your pilgrimage through this wilderness of sin. He nourishes your souls when you read and hear the preaching of his Word and when you partake of the Lord’s Supper. These are your weapons against Satan’s raging flood of wicked lies and deceptions through false teachers and others who…