Tag: Athanasius

  • “Against the World”

    “Against the World”

      Athanasius Contra Mundum (“Against the World”) The body of the Word, then, being a real human body, in spite of its having been uniquely formed from a virgin, was of itself mortal and, like other bodies, liable to death. But the indwelling of the Word loosed it from this natural liability, so that corruption…

  • The Sixth Petition and Closing: “Lead Us Not into Temptation, But Deliver Us from Evil”

    The Sixth Petition and Closing: “Lead Us Not into Temptation, But Deliver Us from Evil”

    Because Jesus has defeated the devil on the cross, you too have overcome the devil, the world and the flesh, “For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.”

  • Why Trust in Egypt?

    Why Trust in Egypt?

    Isaiah 19:23-25 anticipates the time when Assyria and Egypt will represent all people from all nations who will turn to God. All three nations will be connected by a “highway” through which God comes to his people and by which he leads his people to himself. Jesus, is the “new and living way” to God’s…

  • The Athanasian Creed

    The Athanasian Creed

    This Creed is named after Athanasius (293-373 A.D.), the champion of orthodoxy over against Arian attacks upon the doctrine of the Trinity. Although Athanasius did not write this Creed and it is improperly named after him, the name persists because until the seventeenth century it was commonly ascribed to him. Another name for it is…