Category: Genesis

  • “Abraham the Father of All Who Believe”

    “Abraham the Father of All Who Believe”

      Scripture Readings: Genesis 17:1-14; Romans 4:11-12 (text) October 29, 2017 • Download this sermon (PDF) Today, we witnessed as a congregation the baptism of little Laura Hesed Vasquez. Churches like ours that baptize infants and little children are often misunderstood by many other churches who view this practice as “unbiblical.” So before we look…

  • The Drama of Two Adams

    The Drama of Two Adams

      Romans 5:12-21 (text); Genesis 2:15-17, 3:15; 1 Corinthians 15:22 May 3, 2015 (Pasig CRC) • April 26, 2015 (Trinity CRC) [wpdm_package id=’12513′]   Dear Congregation of Christ: This may come as a surprise to you, but did you know that all representative types of government are based on covenant theology? A federal government such…

  • The God We Worship: “Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity”

    The God We Worship: “Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity”

      Text: 1 Peter 1:1-2 Readings: Genesis 1:1-5; 1 Peter 1:1-11; Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 8 August 17, 2014 • Download this sermon (PDF) Introduction Congregation of Christ: The doctrine of the Trinity is foundational to the Christian faith. But it is also very deep that the history of the church—even today—is marked by controversies…

  • Abraham and His Household: Chosen by God

    Abraham and His Household: Chosen by God

      Genesis 18:18-19 (text); Acts 16:31-34 *  Download this sermon (PDF) Trinity Covenant Reformed Church (Imus, Cavite) * June 8, 2014 Introduction Congregation of Christ: Our text this morning is part of a long narrative of events leading to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18-19. The LORD first appears to Abraham “by the…

  • “Every Intention of the Thoughts of [Man‘s] Heart was Only Evil Continually”

    “Every Intention of the Thoughts of [Man‘s] Heart was Only Evil Continually”

    Genesis 6:5-14 (text); Psalm 53:2, 3; Hebrews 11:7; Canons of Dort III/IV:1-3 March 9, 2014 (Pasig Covenant Reformed Church) Here’s a preview of the sermon: Download the image in PDF here.

  • Mothers Weeping, Children Rejoicing

    Mothers Weeping, Children Rejoicing

    Jesus is the pre-eminent example of one who wept and rejoiced with his friends. Of Christ’s weeping and rejoicing with us, the prophet Zephaniah says, “The Lord your God … will rejoice over you with gladness … I will gather those of you who mourn for the festival” (Zeph 3:17-18).

  • A Lion Born with a Scepter

    A Lion Born with a Scepter

    But like Judah, Jesus was willing to sacrifice his own life for his brothers and sisters. He willingly shed his blood on the accursed cross for the sins of his people. On his way to Calvary, he carried a tree, figuratively a “scepter” of sacrifice.

  • The Only Son Blesses All the Nations

    The Only Son Blesses All the Nations

    Be comforted with these words, “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? (Rom 8:32)

  • Imus & Pasig Festival of Scriptures & Songs

    Imus & Pasig Festival of Scriptures & Songs

    We hope to see you at this rich feast of hearing God’s Word, singing his praise, and fellowshipping at table!

  • Glory to Man, Glory to God

    Glory to Man, Glory to God

    The Tower of Babel story does not end in the dispersion of mankind into the whole earth. Millennia later, in the fullness of time, the Son of God, the Son of Man, came down from heaven in the flesh. This time, he did not come to observe the wickedness of man. He instead was born…