Tag: Genesis 3

  • The Christmas Tree

    The Christmas Tree

    Is there a Biblical connection between the “Christmas tree” and the history of salvation in Christ?

  • “Him We Proclaim”

    “Him We Proclaim”

    If Scripture texts are preached in these ways, preaching becomes just a collection of nice but unrelated stories with moral lessons at the end, not much different from Aesop’s fables.

  • “Behold Your Son! Behold Your Mother!”

    “Behold Your Son! Behold Your Mother!”

    All your loving and caring for and obedience to your mothers, fathers and other authorities would never be pleasing to God if you have no faith in the atoning work of Jesus for your sins. For as Hebrews 11:6 says, “without faith it is impossible to please him.”

  • Daily Lent Devotionals: March 13

    Daily Lent Devotionals: March 13

    “Yet she will be saved through childbearing.” So does this mean that all women who bear children are saved? Or that women must bear children to be saved?