Category: Psalter Hymnal
Songs for 2016 Anniversary Worship Service
Here are the five songs we’ll be singing at our Joint Anniversary Worship Service (Imus and Pasig) on August 28, 2016. Links to tunes are also included for learning or just to sing along. The first song is “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” tune: Lobe den Herren 1 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the…
Worship With Us and the Genevans!
Who are the Genevans? Genevans is the student choir of Geneva College near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They will be on a Spring 2014 Tour, which includes several places in the Philippines and in Malaysia. Geneva College was founded in 1848 by the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA). RPCNA is a denomination who believes that “God’s Word clearly…
Jesus Our Great Psalm Writer, Singer and Worship Leader
How tragic that most churches prefer to sing music written by Biblically-illiterate teens rather than music written by Jesus our Great Psalm Writer and Singer! Jesus sang the Psalms. After the Passover supper, he sang one of the Hallel Psalms, Psalm 113-118 (Mt 26:30). In previous conversations with the Jews, he pointed out to them…
Why Does Your Church Sing Such Old Songs?
Christ—his Person and his Work—is the center of the Psalms.
What Would Jesus Sing?
If your boss wanted you to inflate the results of your students’ achievement tests; if your mother-in-law meddles in your family’s affairs; if your pastor lords it over your church; what would you do? Among many evangelicals, the prescriptive answer would be the question, “What would Jesus do?” as if the New Testament is a…